Ma 1c Practical: Vector Calculus
Section 1 (Spring 2013)
Thursdays 9:00-10:00am
My Email
bhwang at caltech
My Hours
Sundays 8:00-9:00pm, or by appointment.
This course will be an introduction to "vector" (that is, multivariable) calculus.
- (06/06) The final exam is now available, and the review session will be at Sloan 151 on Saturday from
3-4pm. Thanks for a great quarter and best of luck on your final!
- (04/18) I will be away for the next week, so no office hours this coming Sunday evening.
- The first recitation section will take place on April 4th.
Recitation Notes
- Session 1 (04/04): Level sets, limits, contuinuity, open sets.
- Session 2 (04/11): Directional and partial derivatives, gradients, the
chain rule.
- Session 3 (04/18): Critical points, Lagrange multipliers.
- Session 4 (04/25): Arclengths, flow lines and vector fields, curl and divergence.
- Session 5 (05/02): Midterm review examples.
- Session 6 (05/09): The curse of dimensionality, change of variables.
- Session 7 (05/16): Line integrals, path integrals, surface integrals.
- Session 8 (05/23): Green's theorem and applications.
- Session 9 (05/30): Stokes's theorem.
- Session 10 (06/06): Final review examples.
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