Ma 2a: Differential Equations
Section 1 (Fall 2012)
Thursdays 9:00-10:00am
My Email
bhwang at caltech
My Hours
Monday 8:00-9:00pm
This course will be an introduction to ordinary differential equations.
- (10/4) First recitation section today!
Recitation Notes
- Session 1 (10/04): How to solve differential equations, guessing,
existence and uniqueness of solutions to ODEs, first order ODEs, integrating factors, separable
differential equations, tips for writing up homework solutions.
- Session 2 (10/11): Stability of solutions, exact equations, integrating
factors (revisited).
- Session 3 (10/18): The grand theorem of linear algebra, the Wronskian,
independence of solutions, Abel's identity.
- Session 4 (10/25): Three approaches for nonhomogeneous linear ODEs:
variation of parameters, undetermined coefficients, and power series methods.
- Session 5 (11/01): Midterm review.
- Session 6 (11/08): Laplace transforms, convolution, Dirac delta function.
- Session 7 (11/15): More on the Dirac delta, variation of parameters vs.
undetermined coefficients.
- Session 8 (11/29): Nonlinear systems of equations, Lotka-Volterra
equations, analysis of the nonlinear pendulum.
- Session 9 (12/06): Some extra problems and solutions.
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