Ma 1a, Sec. 1: Freshman Mathematics

(Fall 2015)

151 Sloan
Thursdays 7:30-9:00pm
Brian Hwang (Asst. Gahye Jeong)
My Email
bhwang at caltech
My Office
158 Sloan
My Hours
Sundays at 9pm, or by appointment.

Math 1a is an introduction to single-variable calculus, emphasizing mathematical proofs.

Course Policies

The official policies on homework and grading are available on the official course webpage.

You can attend the lectures, office hours, or send me emails even if you are not officially registered for the course.


The primary reference for the class will be "Apostol I" (Apostol's Calculus, Vol. 1). Neither the lectures nor the recitations will follow the presentation of the book very closely, but it is a great reference, either for this class or in any class that will use calculus.


Lecture Notes

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